Chris - Author
30/07/2018 17:30
My Grey Story
Hello Insiders!
Josh Wood, his team and all of us would love to hear ‘Your Grey Story’!
Apparently, the colour people ask for time and time again is the colour their hair was the first time they fell in love. We know hair colour is such a big part of a woman’s personality, so head to our comment section and share your story!
Here are some questions to get you started:
When did you start to go grey / when did you start colouring your hair?
How did it make you feel when you noticed your first grey?
How and where do you colour your hair – what are you juggling while doing it?
To give you some inspiration, here’s our lovely Nicola's Grey Story:
'My Grey Story:
I first noticed my first grey hair in my early thirties, I remember going closer to the mirror and seeing this thick wiry white hair, sooooo noticeable against my dark brown shining glory, my Mother’s voice came in to my head.... "if you pluck a grey hair two more will grow". I took the risk, got the tweezers and with watery eyes it was gone!!! It must be the first time ever my mother has been wrong.
It was about six years later when my husband noticed, and rather smugly I may add as he's older, and not a grey hair in sight that I had a cluster of grey behind my ears, that was it! It was time to dye it.... I bought a hair dye, and asked Steve to put it on for me.... Disaster! He mixed the conditioner in the bottle instead of the activator I sat with it on for ten minutes until he realised, a quick shower while he went and got another one..... After a second but successful attempt the greys were gone....
From that day on my husband has always dyed my hair. Oh! Apart from the time I decided to go blonde, I took the plunge and had high lights, I hated it, with my dark hair I looked like a pint of Guinness!!
I have never used the same dye all the time,
I always know without even looking in the mirror that my greys need doing as my head itches, I've asked a few friends if it happens to them and most of them have said "thinking about it does "... I wonder why?
When my greys are gone I feel like my hanging baskets after they have been dead headed, fresh, bright, vibrant, and most of all young again.'
We can't wait to hear your stories!