Chris - Author
13/12/2018 19:40
Share the SMA® PRO Follow-on Milk love
By now you’ll hopefully have had quite a few conversations with other parents about SMA® PRO Follow-on Milk. How have these discussions gone? Remember, you’ve got some additional packs of SMA® PRO Follow-on Milk to help your conversations!
We’ve given you four smaller 200ml cartons of SMA® PRO Follow-on Milk, and we want you to share them with everyone you’re discussing the campaign with. We’ve also given you fifteen baby food diaries for you to share too! Help your fellow parents to plan their babies’ weeks with SMA® Nutrition and The Insiders!
Let us know how these gifts have been accepted by your network, in your testimonial, in your reports, and on social media too – be sure to use the hashtags when you post #SMAPROFollowon, #SMAPROFollowon, #Ad and #TheInsidersUK.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breast milk is best for babies and breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. SMA® PRO Follow-on Milk is only suitable for babies over 6 months as part of a mixed diet. It should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months. The decision to start weaning or to use this product before 6 months, should be made only on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietitian or pharmacist, based on baby’s individual needs.. ZTC4041e/09/2018