Carolina - Author
03/09/2018 14:19
Have you been talking about Nair™?
We’re almost half way through the Nair™ campaign and we hope you’re loving it as much as we are. We’re loving all your amazing pictures, great blog comments and reviews, and all your brilliant efforts on social media so far – keep it up!
By now, most of you have used your Nair™ removal creams, so now is the best time to get out there and spread the word. Let friends, family, and colleagues know all about your experience with Nair™, then let us know how they react in your conversation reports. The best ambassadors share their experiences, so hand out your discount vouchers during your conversations so they can also get involved in the fun.
Click the button above, or head to the Reports tab on the campaign page, to report all your conversations – let us know how far you’re spreading the word and how many people you’re sharing your experience with, both in person and online!