Chris - Author
09/11/2018 10:57
Sugar Awareness Week is coming up!
Hello Insiders,
As you know, one of the main reasons we are doing the SPLENDA® Sweet Minis campaign is to drive awareness of the negative impact that sugar has to our health.
Part of this campaign falls on UK Sugar Awareness Week, 12th – 18th November, and SPLENDA® aims to shed light on a growing issue in the UK: the increasing sugar consumption by Britons and the adult obesity rate. With 26% of the adult population considered obese, the UK is the most obese country in Western Europe.
By the magnificent St Paul’s Cathedral in Central London, SPLENDA® will be putting together a 3.6 metre pyramid of sugar representing an adult Briton`s annual average consumption of sugar: 5,215 sugar cubes.
Coupled with the SPLENA® samples, coupons, and recipe cards that are being distributed there, we couldn’t live with ourselves if we didn’t let you know about it!
Do you fancy going? It’s entirely free to go and enjoy this fantastic sight right in the heart of the capital – all we ask of you is to take some great pictures and upload them on the Photocorner or share via Facebook or Instagram #goodbyesugar #hellosplenda #nosugarchallenge (and maybe let us know how it was in the comments section below!)
If you want to know more about the event, follow SPLENDA® on Instagram: @splenda_eu!