Chris - Author
02/08/2019 12:32
Eat, Treat, Repeat your way to Tasty Goodness!
You're a couple of weeks into the campaign now, and we want to know who you've told about your Eat, Treat, Repeat routine!
The complete range from Bakers® helps you give your dog a day of tasty goodness all day, every day. To help you keep meal timing consistent and establish a routine, we’ve turned your Insiders pack into a dedicated Doggy Dinner Mat! Simply pop it out and follow the 3 steps to tasty goodness, by placing your dog’s food bowl in the relevant sections throughout the day:
DRY KIBBLES make a great main meal for the start of the day – give your dog a bowl of crunchy kibbles to munch while you tuck into your own breakfast. WET TASTY FILLETS make a great second meal in the early evening – you could even go one better and dual feed, by putting the wet food on top of the dry, to give your dog a taste of both!
For most dogs, treats are one of the high points of the day, but it’s not only a time to receive nourishment, it’s also a chance to add a little FUN to their day. Leave a few Bakers® treats out for your dog to occupy him / her while you’re out and about. When the day is done and dusted, end it on a high with a little game – flip your Doggy Dinner Mat over for our favourite 'Sniff it Out' game!
Use your Doggy Dinner Mat to help you repeat these steps every day throughout the trial and establish a solid routine, so your dog can benefit from Bakers® tasty goodness!
The Eat, Treat, Repeat routine is also a great way to get conversations started about your Bakers® journey - remember to visit the Reports tab to let us know all about the conversations you're having with friends and family!
We can't wait to read your updates!