Chris - Author
27/08/2019 18:11
Tell us about that special moment
Mums and dads, we know that changing a nappy is always special moment - for both you and your little one.
But tell us, where is the most memorable location you’ve had to change your baby’s nappy? Maybe you were finally relaxing on the beach during your much-anticipated summer holiday, and nature called for baby? Or perhaps you were enjoying a picnic with all your friends and family in the park when it happened?
Head to your social media and let us know…
When posting, be sure to use the campaign hashtags, so that we know it’s from you!
#BepanthenNappyCare and #TheInsidersUK
As always, don't forget that you also have two amazing items to share with other parents!
- 7 vouchers for £1.00 off Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment (100g)
- 7 smaller, sample-sized units of Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment
Happy snapping & sharing!