As your child reaches toddlerhood, you’ll see some big developments! Some amazing changes will start to happen as they grow and develop into proper little characters.They’ll start to crawl, then walk and talk! Toddlers have so many new things to explore and this takes up a lot of their energy.
Having the right nutrients from a good toddler diet is important to help your little one undertake all of life’s new adventures. Their diet now will determine a big part of their future health – helping set their nutritional foundation for life.
Inspired by the specific nutritional needs of toddlers, SMA® Nutrition has developed SMA® PRO Toddler Milk their most advanced toddler milk formula yet.
SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is to be used from 12 months as part of a varied and balanced diet.
We are looking for 500 mums and dads with a toddler between 12 months and 3 years old to try SMA® PRO Toddler Milk. Are you interested? Subscribe now.
Open your pack and get to know the product. Share your first impression with us and on social. Add an unboxin picture or video!
Get the word out: connect with friends, family and co-workers. Introduce them to product. Use your talktools and share your samples.
Join in! Take pictures, share on social media and comment on the blog to make this campaign the talk of the town.
Tell us all about your conversations! Send us a report each time you have spoken to someone about this campaign.
Give us your final opinion and experience about this product and this campaign by completing the end-survey
For the next six weeks, you and your baby will have the opportunity to try SMA® PRO Toddler Milk, used from 12 months as part of a varied and balanced diet.
Once you and your baby have had the opportunity to discover SMA® PRO Toddler Milk, you’ll be able to share your thoughts with friends and family, as well as provide us with useful feedback. We look forward to you sharing your opinion with us, telling us what you talked about and answering our surveys along the way.
For you and your baby:
To share with other interested parents:
Step 1. Introduce your little one to SMA® PRO Toddler Milk
Discover SMA® PRO Toddler Milk with your little one (suitable from 12 months to 4 years). What’s more, the SMA Careline® team is here to support you through this exciting phase and answer any questions you have.
Step 2. Share your experiences
As well as personally sharing your recommendations and opinions, you can also share the Toddler Diet Diary with vouchers, and the market research booklet amongst other interested parents. Online, you can help spread the word, by writing your testimonials on the link provided.
Step 3. Keep us informed
Let us know what yourself and others think of SMA® PRO Toddler Milk. You can send us short reports, leave product testimonials and comment on the campaign blog. The blog is also a great way to share your opinions with other Insiders on the campaign.
SMA® Nutrition has continually invested in early life nutrition research. As a result, SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is born. Inspired by the specific nutritional needs of toddlers, SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is their most advanced toddler milk formula yet.
We know through research that toddlers in Ireland are having too little Vitamin D. Vitamin D is difficult to get from a regular diet but it is even harder for toddlers as they eat less than adults. It is found naturally in a few foods, such as eggs and salmon, but there are some foods that have added Vitamin D - just check the label!
SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is specially tailored to help provide the important nutrients toddlers need, such as calcium and vitamin D for normal growth and development of bones. Just two 200ml servings provide at least 108% of toddlers' RI* for Vitamin D.
*2x 200ml provides toddlers with 108% of the RI for vitamin D. Reference Intake (RI) is the amount of vitamins and minerals required per day by young children to help meet their daily nutritional requirements
IMPORTANT NOTICE: SMA® PRO Toddler Milk is suitable for young children from 1-3 years, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. ZRI711/04/18 SMA® Nutrition Ireland